FISH Forte

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Left to right: Andy Stoll (tenor), CJ Rislove (lead), Nick Mason (bass), Simon Arneberg (baritone).

The FISH Forte Quartet, originally from Chippewa Falls Senior High School, made their debut at Hearts in Harmony one year ago, and went on to win a medal at their school talent show, perform on live TV, and earn a one-star at the state solo/ensemble competition.

Inspired by the CHIPS Quartet, who has often made visits to Chi-Hi and sang on their choir concerts, these boys decided to call themselves "Four Idiots Singing Harmony." (F.I.S.H.) That way, when they perform in a double-quartet with their mentors, they can call their extended group "FISH & CHIPS."

Nick Mason and CJ Rislove are seniors at Chi-Hi this year, while Simon Arneberg is now a freshman at UW-Eau Claire and Andy plans to start at UWEC next year after taking a gap year.

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